Cost of Education

At the Bachelor’s level, the average cost of engineering education in Ireland is between 9,500-13,000 Euros. Business education in Ireland costs aprox. 10,000-14,000. Medical education is the costliest, which will setback a student by at least 23,000 Euros per year. Master’s level cost approx. 6,000-12,000 Euros per year. Additionally accommodation, living expenses, books and other miscellaneous expenditure would come to approx. Euro 7000 – 9000, depending upon the location.


A small number of scholarships for international students are available from the universities and colleges themselves. These are awarded solely at the discretion of the individual institutions who set down their own criteria for eligibility. Students are advised to contact the institution of their choice directly, to obtain further information. The Department of Education and Science also has a limited number of scholarships. For details contact:


Address: International Section Department of Education and Science MarlboroughStreet Dublin1
Telphone: +353-1-8896400
Fax: +353-1-8741933
Email: [email protected]