Applying for a visa

If you are not already in New Zealand and are applying to New Zealand to study, you must complete the requirements for the issue of a student visa. You will be given the required forms by the New Zealand Government office (the visa issuing officer) in your country. Requirements for a student visa will normally include :



If you intend studying in New Zealand for more than 24 months, you will need :

  1. Completed New Zealand Immigration service medical and chest X-ray certificates
  2. Character clearances, which must be two original character references (if under 17 years of age), or a local police clearance (if you are 17 and over). You will be advised of the procedure for obtaining these by the New Zealand government office.


All these documents are essential before a student visa is issued. When the overseas New Zealand government office is satisfied that your application is complete and in order, you will be issued a student visa.


For more information:
